Being Happy with(out) money.

Lemme ask you.

What the purpose of your life?

Being happy?

Living the usefull life?

Being a nice kid to your parents?

Whatever the reason, you already was born in this world, so you have to live (joking. Xixixi). No-no, nothing wrong. I just spending time and doing nothing, in other word, gabut. Hohoho

Okee, let us assume , most of people want to be happy.
Being happy,.. there’s always pro contra about way to being happy. Some of them said, happy just so simple, money is not everything. You still can happy even without it. Just spending time with people that you love, talking, laugh, cooking together, watching tv, etc. many things you can do in cheap way, and you still happy with it.

I agree and disagree at the same time with people who have that mindset. Imposible you live in that way every day. In the reality, you have to have money to buying everything. Yahh, everything. Even happiness, you should buy it.

See, for simple things in the life of one person who is not married. Usually, they don’t have that much needs. Just standard needs as foods, clothes, shoes, sandal swallow, pulsa, paket internet, sesekali beli teh pucuk, even hidup ga hedon-hedon amat, yu tetep butuh duidd. Bohong kalo gak. If your daily routine, rumah-kantor-rumah-kantor-rumah-kantor, do you happy? Is it cheap? Is it do not need money? Pastilah juga butuh ongkos ojek kan? Kan? And kalau rutinitasa itu ternyata kurang membahagiakanmu, pastilah yu cari hiburan. Iya kan? Nah, its mean you buying happiness, right? Sekedar nongkrong, or liburan ke pulau, emang bisa gratis-gratisan? Tentu tidaaa!

Can you imagine how big the role of money for the married person? Makan, baju, sepatu, listrik, biaya anak, perabotan rumah, skincare istri/suami/anak, dan printilan apalah-apalah. Oh ya, I suddenly remember someone said to me “why everything (read: happiness) you connect to money?” haha, 

For married couple, are u really still asking how crucial is the role of money in your family? Xexexex
When you buying something to your kid, I bet you will search the best one. Everything. When your kid go to school, pasti dong nyari sekolah yang bagus juga. Bagus itu kebanyakan mahal. Kalopun ada yang bagus dan murah, anggap aja lu lagi menang lotre. Langka cuyy

Nowadays, so many smart children. If you do not support your kid with other skill ntah itu dance, nyanyi,nyulap, whatever, ohhh 10 or 20 years from now on, I hope they can survive in this huge world live happily. well, if yours is a genius kid, just give the rice and aqua ntar dia gede sendiri trus sukses sendiri, but how many percentage that possible huh?

Tagline that say, “Money is not everything” that’s true, but in the realita “everything need money to realize every plan” ada banyak quote yang berusaha menutupi pahitnya realita hidup. Baek-baek mengartikannya. Sometime even 3 point of view do not enough for one situation. Jadi begitu gaes, hoho!

Once again, ga ada hal ato cara pikir yang mutlak benar. Everything depend on situation and needs. So,..ya gitu, ya gitu, ya gitu. Embuh lahh, ckckck

(do not take it seriously, ay aja cuma gabut gajelas, thinking without brain, hayooo)


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