
Showing posts from February, 2017


If you ask me to describe a fiend, ill describe them as a gift. The worth gift. There are old gift, and there’re the new one too. But both of it worthy in me. I always say , “meet and talking with the new friend such a nice moment. But meet and talking with the old friend such an incredible/awesome moment” .  Im treat my friend in same way, exactly the nice way. i just care to them. Because in my eyes, the are worthy. There’re no reason to forget them. But, recently i got the new experience in understanding friendship. Some days ago, i called my old friend just want to say hay. ,and i got the shocking reaction. She/he seem ignorant me. They just like a child who afraid with someone that want to take his candy. I dont know. May be she/he too busy for sharing anything with me. I dont know. I remember in past, when us always talking/chatting each other, just say hay, talking about anything although that not important, there are just happiness. But, why suddenly change? I know,


Pada akhirnya,. Semua akan berakhir. Satu per satu, nama-nama itu mulai hilang dari kepalaku. Satu per satu, wajah-wajah itu tak lagi bisa kubayangkan. Tak ada lagi kenangan yang manis maupun pahit. Pada akhirnya,. Semua akan berakhir.