Pulau Tidung (Part1)

Hari H yang direncanakan akhirnya tiba juga. Me and two of my office mate went to Pulau Tidung, Kepulauan Seribu. Pada trip ini, saya dan temen saya memutuskan untuk ikut open trip. Yah, I also recommended you to use jasa open trip, if you still newbie or just started traveling. 

In this trip, we just spend 2D1N because we had to work. So, we went at Saturday morning, then we come back home at Sunday. Let me share you about our trip and the cost that we spend.

We already planned this trip about 1month (maybe) with some guy in our office, but suddenly they cancelled this plan. Not too dissapointed with their decision, why? Coz i had ever went to traveling use travel tour agent 1year ago. I think, why not this time used the agent again? So, I asked my frend, if the agree if we going to travel with the other stranger, and they said YES.  So, here we are with our trip to Pulau Tidung, Kepulauan seribu.

We live at Bogor, so we had to left at dawn to station. We asked our office mate to driving us to Bojong gede station at 04.00. We arrived at Jakarta Kota station about six something. Then we ordered grab car (transportation online) for driving us to Muara Angke port. We arrived at Muara angke port about seven, and so many people had gather there. Yah, everyone gonna make some holi-day I think. 
Pelabuhan Muara Angke 

The first thing that we did, to call the agent people, to ask about how would this trip be going. Oh ya, there’s little story in the port. After I called the agent people, he asked me to met him at locket than he ask me to buy the ticket with my money. You know, for the first I think that he was trying to cheat on me, coz I already pay the DP more than 50% from all the payment. My voice was slightly raised while saying “I already pay the down payment, why should I spend money right now to buy the ticket? Shouldn't it your responsibility? You should buy our ticket, I would not buy with my own money” then the agent bring me to corner and explain the rule, ‘even I already pay off the fee, I still have to buy the ticket with my own money, then later will be acumulate with the money that I send to agent (their office)’. Okeee, after know thw truth, I feel bit guilty, hehe…sorry mister.
Tiket termurah, ada yg lebih mahal kok

Biaya retribusi

So, I spend money out of my wallet to buy the ticket, and the ship leaving at 11.00am. the journey to Pulau Tidung about 3hours. Almost all passengers choose to sleep.
Tampilan kapal nya
Dalem kapalnya
Kapal yg lebih dulu berangkat, tujuan tiap kapal beda2 pulau

Calon penumpang 

Our ship arrived at Pulau tidung about  1pm. As before, we calling the agent by phone pastinya

Yaa…singkat ceritra, si mas-mas guide nya nganterin kita ke penginepan yang mana temen-temen lain sudah pada sampai 1jam yang lalu dan mereka lagi makan. Open trip ini kan sifatnya gabungan ya, otomatis ada cew dan cow. Cow nya Cuma 2 orang sih, sisanya kita cew-cew semua.

---bersambung—to be continiouw--


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