Being an officer

If i have to flash back to 1year ago, my dream is work in company. Although it not suitable with my major. I should be a teacher, coz i was studied in universitas about 4 years to be a good teacher :). I even close my eyes for PNS oppurtunity. Coz i haven't yet want to being a teacher. I love being a teacher, but not now. Im still young, i have to explore the other thing to make the experience, and I need much money for many thing (rasional right?). I just delay my passion and do the other one.
And now what? About six month i'm being an officer. Am i happy enough? Is this that i want ? What that i had till this far ? Or, am i dissapointed?
So far im enjoying it. So many joke i find. Everyday. Many thing that i've learn in here. My life so straight. My routinity is so polite :). 

I wake up every morning, then go to office, work till 12pm. Take a break 1hour, then continiou to work till bell sound at 5pm. 5days in a week. In weekend i just lay at my bed while phone in my hand, in whole day. 

Then monday come again, and my routinity begin again, again, again. 
I have seen so many people in here with different caracter. Thats so funny. There's who calm one, there's who freak one, there's who 'bacot' one, there's who loveable one, there's who 'gak mau tau' one, there's who 'suka telat' one and many many many more. 

In office, problem never ending. If one problem solved, the other problem must be there. You must be have the hight self control if you want stay longer. Yaahhh, like that. And in my eyes all that stuff just like a funny joke. So funny.. Grrrhhh. 

#keep work right, even your around still not 


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